On Sunday, January 30, a couple dozen district one residents zoomed with our Town Councillors Cathy Schoen and Michele Miller for an auspicious first District meeting in the term of the newly seated Town Council. State Representative Mindy Domb and at-Large Councillor Andy Steinberg also attended and contributed to the discussion. After introductory remarks and a description by each of her roles in the new Council–Cathy co-leading the Elementary School Building Committee, Michele chairing the Governance, Organization, and Legislation Committee, both on the Finance Committee–the “floor” was opened to citizens for questions, reports, and suggestions of topics for future District Councillor meetings. Among the topics discussed was the neighbors’ response to student parties in the neighborhood just north of the university and their frustration with the University for its disregard of its decisions’ effects on residents; DONA’s current plans and projects; an expression of concern that the Agriculture committee has lost members and impetus with a request to reinvigorate it; a question on the State’s role in Amherst Reparations payments; sidewalks in the district; and a plea for comprehensive planning rather than ad hoc decisions as individual issues arise. All participants agreed that the meeting was fruitful and showed promise of close partnership of elected representatives with constituents on matters of importance. You can view the recording of the meeting and read the audio transcript here.
Councillors Schoen and Miller intend to host monthly meetings. Moreover, they welcome contact with constituents, urging folks to email or call with concerns, suggestions, congratulations, et alia. Cathy Schoen can be reached at schoenc@amherstma.gov 413-549-0119 and Michele Miller at millerm@amherstma.gov 413-222-8067. Cathy and Michele would like particularly to hear from you on your preference of District Councillor meeting time: is Sunday afternoon ok? or would Tuesday or Wednesday evening be better? Please send them an email with your preference, and look for monthly meeting announcements and updates on the DONA web site.
Jessica Mix Barrington, January 31, 2022