Mill River History Trail

By Meg Gage
February 15, 2022

The town’s Community Preservation Act Committee (CPA)has approved DONA’s request for a grant of $12,900 to launch our Mill River History Trail that will map and identify several of the former mills and factories powered by the Mill River and create an interpretive trail through the conservation land between Mill River Recreation Area and Cushman Common.  There are several remaining remnants of the some of the mills, canals, and dams that were at the heart of industrial North Amherst, present in colonial times continuously until the early 20th century when industry moved to Holyoke and Springfield to take advantage of the greater power of the Connecticut River.

In 1775 there were already 6 mills along the River!  Powered by the Mill River, these mills produced many useful products including lumber, pencils, sleighs, wagons and furniture.

The DONA project will also include research and information on the precolonial first peoples who lived in North Amherst, information that will be included in the interpretive trail.

The grant from the CPA Committee will enable DONA, working with the Town Conservation Department, to hire an archaeologist to examine 4 specific sites and to conduct related archival research that will lay the groundwork for the project.   We expect this research to take place this coming summer.  This first step will also enable us to raise additional funds to support subsequent stages of the work. Next year we will expand the project to include additional sites, a project web site, and signage.

We are also creating a committee of local residents who will oversee the work and help develop subsequent components of the project.  We are following the guidelines of Community Archaeology, an approach that involves the community in the planning and implementation of archaeology projects and in assuring there are benefits to the communities involved.  Please let us know if you are interested in serving on the Mill River History Trail Committee by sending an email to   We are particularly looking for residents to serve on the Committee who like to walk the conservation trails, who are interested in history, and who can advocate for the project.

The project has been approved by Community Resources Committee of the Town Council and is at this writing before the Finance Committee for approval.  We expect the full Town Council to approve the grant at a meeting in March.  Keep an eye on this web site to be alerted to the date and time of that meeting.